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Toxikologie zaměřená na vodní organismy VURH/TVODK

  • Fakulta:

    Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod

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  • Cena kurzu:

    2 500 Kč


Toxicology is focused on aquatic organisms deepens knowledge gained within previous lower grade curricula (BSc. and MSc.) on our Faculty and develops new areas from the perspective of modern trends in toxicology.

The main objective of this class is to get an overview and deeper expert knowledge and competences in the field of toxicological assessment of hazardous properties of pollutants on aquatic organisms (fish, crayfish and amphibians). At the end of the course, students should be able to understand the concept of aquatic toxicology and assessment of pollutant. Students will be able to explain the effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms. Students can discuss and interpret the general principles of aquatic toxicology and will manage the evaluation and use of methodologies in toxicology, which to predict the effects of toxic substances. Students will be able to justify application of aquatic toxicology and application of knowledge in practice.

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Bc. Lucie Kačerová
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